



意大利总统Sergio Mattarella今天出席了今天的Giorgio Vasari的新恢复的最后一次晚餐(1543)。公众可以免费看到Vasari的杰作,明天从晚上8点到午夜。

The panel painting housed in the Museo dell’Opera di Santa Croce was submerged in polluted water for 12 hours when the Arno River burst its banks on 4 November 1966. The big reveal at the refectory of the Basilica di Santa Croce was timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the flood, which sent a torrent of mud and debris through the historic city, killing dozens of Florentines and damaging thousands of the city’s art treasures.

佛罗伦萨着名的Opificio Delle Pietre Dure E Laborian Di Restauro(OPD)承诺通过12英尺绘画的五面板8英尺的恢复和保护。In a 2010 interview with The Art Newspaper, Marco Ciatti, then the head of the OPD’s panel paintings department and now the organisation's soprintendente, described the extent of damage to the Last Supper as “terrible”, calling it “one of the worst cases in conservation history”. Today, he praised and thanked all those involved in the picture’s remarkable resurrection.

The painting, which can now be raised by hand in the event of a flood warning by means of an elaborate system of counterweights, was commissioned in Florence by the Cloistered Nuns of the Murate in 1546—four years before the publication of Vasari’s book The Lives of the Artists. At the time of the commission, Vasari had already received other prestigious jobs within the city, including creating paintings for the Sala di Cosimo I of the Palazzo Vecchio.

恢复和保护项目得到了意大利时装大厦普拉达,意大利国家民事保护单位和盖蒂基金会。Getty作为其小组绘画计划的一部分,与J.Paul Getty Museum和Getty Senderation Institute一起推出的项目,该项目旨在培养新一代面板绘画专家来取代领先的专家谁将在未来十年内退休;20个节省者经历了迄今为止的培训。在今天的活动中发言,盖蒂基金会的一名高级计划官Antoine Wilmering,提到了负责治疗最后一个晚餐的保守党,而不是“泥天使”,而是“指导天使”。
