




“From conversations I have with American donors, Notre-Dame is the most important monument in Europe,” says Michel Picaud, founding president of the organisation, who says that work is also planned on the cathedral’s pinnacles, finials, crockets, railings and stained glass windows. The overall cost of the restoration is estimated at €150m, he says.


The American Friends of Chartres (AFC) has meanwhile been collecting money for conservation work on the Chartres Cathedral since 2006. (A recent cleaning of the dark, smoky stones of the cathedral’s interior transformed them into a controversial gleaming white.) Dominique Lallement, president of the AFC since 2013, says that the group has consistently met its financial targets, raising about $600,000 since its inception, mostly individual contributions from more than 120 donors. The AFC covered 50 percent of the cost of restoring five lancets in the south portal of the cathedral; 100 percent of the cleaning of a bay window; and 85 percent of the statues affixed to columns in a chapel.


The Palace of Versailles’ conservation efforts have drawn €2.7m from American donors since 2012. And the Potager du Roi (king’s kitchen garden) at Versailles is among eight endangered sites that are to be supported by the US-based World Monuments Fund in a partnership with American Express.

“自19世纪末以来,美国人已经慈善思想”,世界纪念碑基金的临时首席执行官Lisa Ackerman Notes Lisa Ackerman Notes Lisa Ackerman的重建项目在欧洲的重建项目中发挥了重要作用。她补充说,基金本身就开始了,因为在第二次世界大战后驻扎在意大利的美国陆军上校最终在那里退休并被迫切需要遗产保护。

这次战后对欧洲遗产的兴趣,加上1969年美国法律,制作此类捐款免税 - “美国朋友”组织被纳入501(c)(3)S,提升了大西洋的资金流动。(American donors funded almost the entirety of the $7 million needed to restore Monet’s Giverny and turn it into a public museum in the 1970s.) Still, the bulk of the money for the upkeep and repair of historical monuments in France today comes from the French Culture Ministry. A new annual French heritage lottery has also been set up to raise funds for endangered cultural landmarks; the first drawing last September yielded more than €15m.
